Friday, December 28, 2012

Vegetarian Protein Sources-2 Surprising Ones!

This has protein!

 Are you vegetarian and been asked, “How do you LIVE?” “Do you get enough protein!!!?

I have heard this countless times, and I always wonder, “How do YOU live?” “Aren’t you weighed down and depressed from eating the dead flesh of animals??”  

I am here to clear up a few myths about being vegetarian and eating protein.

First of all, there are countless protein sources for vegetarians and actually just eating a wide variety of produce provides enough combinations of amino acids to live on.

For the sake of variety though and making sure you do not get bored eating healthfully, I wanted to mention some ways to get vegetarian protein in your diet and focus on 2 surprising ones. 

Besides lentils, beans, nuts, nut butters, tofu, seeds, liquid aminos, quinoa, tempeh, seitan and whey -there is bee pollen and brewers yeast!

The protein content of bee pollen ranges from 10 to 35 percent with a mean average of 20 percent. Forty to fifty percent of this is in the form of free amino acids. This equals from 5 to 7 times the amino acids found in equal weights of beef, milk, eggs or cheese.  
So, there is protein in Bee Pollen but it is also good for your skin! The fatty acids in Bee Pollen have a good effect on skin not to mention that has anti-fungal properties to kill 
any pimple forming germs. 

Bee Pollen has enormous rejuvenation powers and retards aging. It has also been proved to improve mental perception, repair cells and worn out tissues and has antibiotic properties.

You may not even believe me when I say this, but Bee Pollen can help you to lose weight. That is right! It has the ability to not only regulate metabolism, but stimulate it as well- to assist you in burning fat. Bee Pollen supplies the catalysts that other foods do not provide -thereby neutralizing toxins and producing healthier cells. What does all this mean? What am I trying to say? Get your Bee Pollen on everyone!

Lets talk about Brewers Yeast. My mom used to use it all the time when I was younger. My mom has always been on the cutting edge of health and alternative therapies and I have learned almost everything from her. Back then, most brewers yeast I had tried was not debittered and it was gross. Nowadays, I can buy it debittered and it is much more manageable. Although, I would use it anyway because now I know it does so many amazing things! 

Brewer's Yeast

It helps with high cholesterol, stress, nervousness, anemia, constipation, and fatigue. An old tale about brewers yeast is that it reverses gray hair. I think that came from the fact that the B5 in it keeps gray hair from forming and the B6 helps the manufacturing of melanin and sustains natural hair color. Brewers Yeast also has a high nucleic acid count that is important to cell development plus containing folic acid, B12, potassium, thiamin, niacin, and chromium, fiber, and protein. One serving has 4 grams of fiber and 9 grams of protein. My favorite use is to drink it as a protein supplement after my workout for the energy boost and to avoid milk derived protein sources as those are not good for my stomach and cause me to get bloated.

Here is my favorite thing that Brewers Yeast does, it improves acne!

Go on and use my personal code VAJ631 and get $5 off these things and never wonder again how vegetarians get their protein again!



Friday, December 14, 2012

10 Best Beauty Tips For Winter

Winter can be a tricky time for beauty. We get dried out, tired out, and burned out. Follow these 10 easy steps to stay tip-top!

       1. Sleep with a satin or silk pillowcase. Not only is it very luxurious, it is an inexpensive way to smooth out facial lines and reduces the frizziness in your hair.

2. Sleep as much as you can every night-go to bed early! Deep sleep rejuvenates our minds and bodies and slows down the harsher consequences of aging while keeping us calm.

3. Eat in-season produce such as apples, kale, squash, red potatoes, asian pears, and carrots. In season produce is more nutrient dense and has more antioxidants to fight off free radicals and keep you feeling youthful and energetic.

4. Drink apple-cider vinegar and honey. See my blog about this amazing health tonic!

5. Double moisturize by using facial and body oils. This time of year can suck the hydration out of your skin quickly, so prevent that by using botanical oils like jojoba and coconut. You can use these natural oils anywhere on your skin!

Satin Skin Facial Oil

Weleda Sea Buckthorn Oil

6. Take care of your feet by putting on a thick foot cream before bed with soft, thick socks. In the summer we get calluses on our feet by going everywhere barefoot and in flip-flops. In the winter we can work on getting our feet soft again! 
7. Drink more water than you think you want. Carry a recyclable water bottle with you everywhere you go. We tend to not get as thirsty as usual when it is cold out, don’t let yourself get dehydrated this way which can dry out your skin and leave you feeling sluggish.

8. Exercise and be active everyday, even it is just getting down on your mat and doing 30 minutes of Yoga. When it is cold and wet outside, the lure of sitting around on the couch can be intense. If we give into this all the time we end up creating a vicious cycle of being tired and fatigued. Get up and shake it!

9. Be kind to yourself by setting limits and boundaries. You cannot do everything and be everywhere. Sometimes you have to strengthen your backbone by saying ‘no’ and doing something for yourself. Find something you love to do and DO IT. Maybe it is getting a pedicure, hiking, or reading your favorite book. Find the time by saying no to something extracurricular and being kind to yourself.

10. Do an at home facial once a month. You would be surprised at how much time and money you can save by using fresh and natural ingredients like lemon and sage for clarifying pores, oatmeal and clay for purging pores, pineapple and organic raw sugar for exfoliating, and plain old boiling water for steaming your pores open! You can even add some lavender oil for an aroma-therapeutic experience . Enjoy!

P.S. If you want to purchase the incredible Weleda Sea Buckthorn Oil use code VAJ631 to get $5 off at

Love, Rachel 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Inspire Yourself

Kauai Waterfall Hike

The word inspire comes from the root words "in" and "spire". This literally means to breathe in. When we are inspired, we are full of the breath of life and there is no better place to breathe, then somewhere in nature.

I can really relate to this, because when I am anywhere outside-I feel completely alive and in tune with nature. I feel inspired and creative just by looking around and breathing.

I don't know about you, but I have a very hard time quieting my head. The good news is that  I have found a coping skill for this problem and it is to go outside! I can immediately focus my thoughts on the beauty around me.

These pictures are obviously from a beautiful place and my most favorite place in the world-Kauai. But, you do not have to be in your most favorite place to do this.

Once you focus your attention on your intention, you can still your mind and become calm.

If you are struggling with a problem that you can not solve or lacking some kind of inspiration for an especially difficult project-try going outside and breathing in life. You can walk around your block and find a colorful tree or even drive to a body of water. Lakes, rivers, oceans, even a tiny stream can do the trick. Let yourself become open and the solutions will come to you.

Your brain is very powerful and it will reward you when you allow it the peace it needs to relax and become inspired.

Where will you find your inspiration today?



Thursday, November 22, 2012

Back to Basics

 I have not been able to post a new post for such a long time. I recently started a new job in Malibu and the transition has been huge! New people, new drive, new things to learn and new ways to become stressed- if I let myself.

I have learned quite a bit and one thing that always keeps coming back to me, is to go back to the basics.

What I mean by that is that just because I entered a new phase in my life with some uncertainties and challenges, that is not a reason to stop the things that have kept me healthy and sane up until then.

 I thought about letting my workout schedule go and maybe slack on my good eating habits a little 'to give myself a break'.

After a couple days of that, I realized how ridiculous it would be to discontinue the very things that keep me healthy and happy! Right?

I was fortunate enough to also take a vacation in Kauai a month after I started the new job and I found my rhythm again. Eating fruit for breakfast to keep my digestive system light and eliminating efficiently, being outside taking nature walks and hikes, practicing my breathwork and yoga, and  making sure that tons of produce is on my plate along with whatever else I might be eating. I started to feel myself again very quickly!

Some may say it is so much easier to do these things on vacation and so much harder to practice at home. That is only true if you want it to be true. Sometimes, I am up at 5:00 am and do not make it to bed until after 11:00 pm. This is not by choice, but the effects of being in this world that has so many pressures and expectations. I work full-time like most other woman I know and still have to come home and do chores. That is just the business for most of us. If we want even small portions of time for ourselves, we have to create that time and put our self at the top of our to-do list, even if it is only to stretch out on the yoga mat for 10 minutes to catch and calm our breath.

When I got back last weekend and went right back to work on Monday-I had brought my fruit with me for breakfast, ate a salad for lunch and made sure I had a protein bar packed for my afternoon snack time. I did not feel overwhelmed, stressed or crazed with everything I had facing me that day. When I did start to feel a little out of control, I walked outside and took a 3 minute breathing break and felt in control again.

It is all about me making time for these things and making sure they are a priority, because when I am not taking care of myself-I am not being of service to those around me. I am not a good employee, mom, daughter, friend, or partner.

Even though I was pretty worn out by Tuesday, I created the time to able to get a workout in. It was light and short-but it served me well. I felt like I did not sacrifice my whole day to others and that I carved out a spot to just take care of myself. And THAT is refreshing.

So, when you find yourself facing new challenges or a turn in the road-stick to the basics of a happy and healthy life and find your stride again!



Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Relaxation Mineral and 4 Ways To Get It:

Have you heard of this special mineral? It is a secret weapon against many diseases and common complaints. Not to mention it's also a great detoxifying agent. When we are detoxified and clean inside, our bodies work much more efficiently. We start using our food as fuel, increase our energy levels and shed excess weight!

Magnesium is called the relaxation mineral because it has the opposite effect on your body that stress has. Stress can cause us to pack on the pounds and have decreased energy. When we have no energy, we gain weight and the cycle continues. There are simple and easy ways to start turning this around by practicing to reduce stress in our lives and also by adding some of the relaxation mineral to our routines to give ourselves a boost! Did I mention it improves sleep? We all know what sleep can do for us. They don't call it "beauty sleep" for nothing.
Magnesium works on any areas of your body that are stiff, tight or uncomfortable. Our cells use it to make energy and relax our muscles. Our brain even uses magnesium to improve and stabilize our mood. It also helps us to stay detoxified and be lean and healthy. A little magnesium citrate can also help to move the bowels in a non-explosive way to make sure we are clean inside and out!
The magnesium levels in our bodies can drop due to stress, alcohol, caffeine, and lack of exercise. This can cause us to sleep poorly, have no energy to exercise and feel poorly while making us constipated and uncomfortable. Yikes! Who wants that?

Highly processed and refined meals have no magnesium at all, which cause our levels to  dip even lower.

Magnesium can be added to our bodies in so many easy ways! Here are 4 of them:

1.  eat peanut butter, leafy greens, nuts, wheat germ, avocado, and garlic. (to name a few)

2. avoid salt, alcohol, and too much coffee (this drains magnesium)

3. take a bath with good old fashioned Epsom Salts added to it. We can absorb magnesium in this relaxing way and Epsom Salts are easy to purchase at the drugstore and inexpensive. I linked the one that has lavender in it, because it is so soothing and my favorite brand.
Epsom Salts with Lavender
4. practice relaxing by meditation, yoga, or pranayama breathing.

Please enjoy at least one of these ways to add the relaxation mineral to your body and let me know how you like it!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Romaine Lettuce-Why Eat It? Plus a Recipe!

Organic Romaine Lettuce

People often overlook Romaine Lettuce and think it is a 'less than lettuce'. Some may even believe that if it is not dark green-it ain't good for you. Wrong! 

Romaine lettuce is a high water content food that also has fiber in it. The fiber in Romaine binds to the bile salts in our colon and then removes them from our body. This makes us create more bile and through this process cholesterol is removed! Amazing, right? 

That is not the only thing that this crunchy lettuce is good for. It has high amounts of Vitamin A. The beta-carotene in it is a powerful anti-oxidant and age fighting super star! 

Romaine lettuce also contains Vitamin K. We don't get too much Vitamin K in our food, so this  lettuce is an easy way to make sure we get this vitamin that binds calcium to our bones and regenerates collagen in our skin. 

This lettuce must be good for something because it has been used almost forever. The Ancient Greeks and Romans used it for its therapeutic and medicinal proprieties and there are depictions of it being used in Egyptian times all the way back to 4500 B.C! 

Yup, that's lettuce! 

So, hop on board with this do-it-all lettuce and start adding it to your salads, burritos, tacos, sandwiches and wraps! 

My niece Jessy started eating fruit for breakfast, walking when she can, and creating new and healthy recipes for herself based on the guides outlined in this website. She has been dedicated, thorough, and consistent. Jessy even started using my Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey Health Tonic and in the the past 3 weeks she has lost almost 15 lbs of weight that did not want to be on her body! The best part is that her energy level has gone up so significantly, she is now exercising every day. Jessy did not have the energy to do this prior to eating this way. Nutrition is the key to everything we do for our bodies. 

Next time Jessy is going to share her journey with us so far and include some stunning before and after shots. Stay tuned!  

When you see how beautiful Jessy is-you are going wonder what did she think she needed to change about herself? The point is that she didn't feel good at the weight she was and didn't feel energetic or healthy. It is not about looks, but that is a positive side effect of being healthy. After sticking to some basic changes, she now feels better and is also sleeping all night, every night. Now, that is something to be happy about! 

Jessy has shared one of her recipes that includes Romaine lettuce for everyone to try.  It is Purifoid approved and delicious. 

I hope you all enjoy it too. 

Jessy's Southwestern Salad

Romaine and red leaf lettuce, rinsed and chopped
Cilantro, chopped
Black olives
red and yellow cherry tomatoes, whole
fresh corn
avocado, sliced
stone milled tortilla chips, crumbled
squeeze of lime
drizzled jalapeno-lime dressing

Put all of the veggies in to your salad bowl and toss. Crumble tortilla chips on the top of the salad and lay the sliced avocado over it. Squeeze some lime on it for maximum alkalinity and then drizzle the homemade dressing over it. Toss once more and dig in. 

Jessy's jalapeno-lime dressing

1/2 c. Greek yogurt
1 clove garlic
1/4 c. fresh parsley
1/4 c. fresh chives
1 Tb. fresh dill
1 jalapeno minced
2 Tb lime juice
sea salt or Himalayan pink salt to taste
cracked pepper to taste

Add all of the ingredients except for the greek yogurt to a magic bullet or blender and pulse together. Then add this mixture to the greek yogurt and stir together until it is well mixed. Store the leftover dressing in a glass bottle in the fridge. 

Thanks Jessy! 



Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What's in My Makeup Bag?

Makeup Bag Collage

I have a fear of being at work or just living my life somewhere and my makeup will miraculously come off! I don't know how I think this will happen-crying jag, rogue fire hydrant, getting caught in a rain shower or what, but it is a fear. It has literally never happened, but if it does-I am ALWAYS prepared for it. 

My days can be very long however, and a touch up is required in the evening before whatever the next 'thing' is I have to do. Makeup goes on in the morning around 6:00 am-so by 6:00 pm I do need freshening up. So, if you do not need makeup or require any touch ups during the day-more power to you! The rest of you can read on.

In my makeup bag are staples that I always have with me. If my eye makeup comes off, I have my Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler and Nars Black Moon Eyeliner and that is pretty much all anyone needs to look fresh, polished and awake. 

Nars Black Moon Eyeliner

 The MAC Blotting Films soak up the excess oil on my t-zone and MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural smoothes the rest out just right and does not look 'makeupy' at all. It looks perfectly natural.  In a pinch I can use this light powder as eyeshadow to make my eyelids look even. 

Rosebud Salve is a classic can-do for dry lips, rough cuticles, smudgy makeup, and even works as a highlighter on cheekbones and lids. I swear! It makes you look so awake, even if you are not. The second runner up to Rosebud Salve is Aquaphor, which you can find at any drugstore. 

Whirl Lip Pencil by MAC does not leave my purse. Ever. It is slightly darker than the inside of my lip, which is an ideal lip color. Pull out your bottom lip and take a gander at the color on the inside and try to find a lip pencil to match it. You can't go wrong doing that and mine happens to match Whirl pretty darn good.  I can mix it with other pencils or lip colors or just use Rosebud Salve over the Whirl pencil and I am all set. Of course, my favorite lip gloss is Nars Triple X and if I am feeling really fancy-I will use the lip gloss instead of just the salve over my pencil. 

MAC Whirl Lip Pencil

Garnier BB Cream is hands down my fave BB cream. It is extremely affordable and works wonders! I have heard some people complain about there not being enough color options, but I just mix a little spf moisturizer in it until it becomes the color I want and I do not have to wear foundation. The drugstores seem to sell out of this miracle product the second it lands here in LA-so my best friend in Reno buys them out there and will send them to me. She is a life saver. I have also seen an improvement in my skin since I have started using this.

Benetint Lip Balm saves me if my blush comes off. It moisturizes my cheeks and gives them a rosy glow if I need it. The best way to get a natural flush though is to workout! I try to workout after work and so I have a flush before the next item on my agenda anyway. But, you never know, right? Those rain showers in LA can be tricky! ha ha ha

Have fun packing your new streamlined makeup bag and watch out for fire hydrants and crying jags! 



Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Why Don't Diets Work?

Diets don’t work! I always say that because it is true. Unless one’s lifestyle changes into a healthy one, any diet will just fail over and over again. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is by eating in a healthful way that you can maintain.

Does it make sense to cut out carbs forever? If you cut them out for a diet, once you add them back in-you will gain the weight back. So, ask yourself- What kind of healthy eating lifestyle can I adopt and maintain?

One way to do this is to just change one thing in your daily eating routine and do that for a couple weeks. Once you have that change down, try another change and so on and so on. These are baby steps that allow you to adjust the way you eat that is not shocking to you or difficult to maintain. It also will not make you go crazy with cravings.

My favorite way to start a new way of eating is to add fruit for breakfast. Eating only fruit until lunchtime is a highly effective way to streamline your digestion making it easier for extra weight to come off.

When fruit is improperly combined with other foods, it ferments in the stomach and the body has a difficult time digesting the food causing you to keep weight on instead of allowing it fall off. Doing this also cleanses and detoxes the inside of the body. When you feel light and healthy, you will be more prone to want to be active, workout and take care of yourself.

Our bodies have 3 digestive cycles as outlined in the book Fit for Life. I have been using this book as my guide since I was 14 years old! I know that it really works.

From 4:00 am until noon our bodies are in the elimination cycle. This is when we eliminate body wastes and food debris. By eating only fruit during this time, it helps our bodies along the way. Fruit digests very quickly and goes right through our digestive system. Start out with juicy, high-water content fruits and then move on to more dense and dried fruit towards lunchtime.

From lunch until 8:00 pm, our bodies are in the appropriation cycle which is the eating and digestion time. During this time is when you will have properly combined meals such as veggies and protein or veggies and carbs. Protein and carbs are 2 other things that do not mix well together. Protein is best eaten alone with veggies and salad. When you mix carbs into the meals at the same time as protein, the food tends to not want to be eliminated from the body and stays inside your digestive tract for too long. When you want carbs such as bread or rice, have them. Just combine them with salad, healthy fats, and/or veggies. Any food that is not a fruit or veggie is a concentrated food and your body can only handle one concentrated food at a time. When we properly combine our foods, we are giving our body extra energy to burn fat and allowing more energy for being active!

You do not have to worry about counting calories or weighing your food or all that confusing and time consuming stuff.

Starting at 8:00 pm until 4:00 am is when our bodies are in the assimilation cycle. This is the absorption and use of all the nutrients from the food we have eaten during the day. The absorption cycle cannot take place until the food has entered the intestines. A properly combined meal is in and out of the stomach in about 3 hours and ready to be absorbed and assimilated. An improperly combined meal can take up to 12 hours to do this. Yikes. 

When our food is just sitting in our stomach we feel heavy, weighed down and just not well. This prevents us from having the life we really want and having no energy to go after it! You can turn this around by starting with some small life changes and creating your healthy Purifoid lifestyle. 

Here is one of my favorite properly combined meals. I use meatless taco meat, avocado, and veggies. Yum.

Rae’s Meatless Taco Salad

½ package of soyrizo
½ package of ground meatless taco meat
Oregano, paprika, and cayenne pepper to taste
1 can of black beans, drained
1 avocado
Juice of a ¼ lemon
½ tsp. of garlic pepper, powder or salt 
2 medium tomatoes
½ an onion
1 jalapeno
3 pinches of cilantro

Chop the onion, tomatoes, cilantro and jalapeno. Mix it together and set it aside in the fridge.

Mash up the avocado with the lemon juice and garlic salt. Set it aside in the fridge.

Mix the ‘meats’ together with the oregano, paprika and cayenne pepper. Place in the skillet and fry at high heat for 3-5 minutes depending on how crispy (or not) you like it. I like the ‘meat’ dry and slightly crispy. Reduce the heat to medium and add the beans until everything is heated through.

This will make a couple servings.

Put 1 serving of the ‘meat’ mixture on a plate with 1 serving of the tomato mixture on top. Place ½ of the mashed avocado mixture on top.

Enjoy your properly food combined meatless taco salad! 



Thursday, August 30, 2012

5 Forever Beauty Products

I disagree! Ha ha ha

There are some beauty products that I buy over and over again. Some I try once and never use again. I want to share some tried and true products that will always be my beauty staples. (Unless something better comes out, but I doubt it)

No matter what kind of eyebrow look I am going for-this brow pencil is the one I use to fill in or shape my brows. It is the perfect shade no matter what variations I make in my hair color. It is the most long lasting and best formula I have ever used. I buy 2 at the same time so there is no alarming chance of running out!

2.       Tresemme Dry Shampoo:

I have used all formulas of this dry shampoo and I like them all equally. I can go 2-3 days without washing my hair and when I use this-my hair will look and smell fresh. It also prolongs my color since I don’t have to wash my hair every day and it saves my hair from the daily wear and tear of heat styling. The foam formula is good for more dry hair and the spray formula is good for oilier hair.

3.       NARS Triple X Lip Gloss

     I use this amazing gloss for a natural look, glam look, bronzed look or rocker look. I can use it with literally any color lip pencil and so can you! Pink, red, peach, or nude-when you put it on you can bet your lips will look fantastic for hours. It also works just by itself with no added color which makes it the right ‘color’ for everyone. It is also quick and easy which are my 2 favorite things!

This is my go-to moisturizer. I use at night after my hyaluronic acid serum and let my skin soak up its superior moisture all night long. I mix it with Himalayan pink salt or sea salt and use it to exfoliate my lips, and sometimes right after my shower I use it before my lotion to really lock in the softness. It can be used in face masks and hair conditioners as well. I love it as much as love my coconut oil! That is saying a lot. Read my blog about botanicals oil for more info! If you buy it on, use code VAJ631 for $5 off!

The most perfect eye shadow color. It evens the skin tone on your eyelid into an even sheen of soft pink. You can mix it with other colors to make it brighter, lighter or darker and it can be used for a highlighter as well. I use it on my brow bones, cheekbones, cupids bow and down the top of my nose. Its formula is long lasting and I am not kidding that you can use it one time in the morning and do not have to re-apply it no matter how long your day is. My days can go VERY long too and it will last me all day. I wear it every day no matter what look I am trying to achieve. Naked Lunch is the chameleon of the makeup world! 



Sunday, August 26, 2012

4 Natural D.I.Y Beauty Tips: (from your kitchen!)

I love using natural ingredients on my hair, skin, and body.

They are easy to use and easy to find, plus I never breakout or harm my skin and hair when I use them. Here are some of my most favorite and inexpensive ways to use what the planet has provided for us:

1.      Exfoliation is so important for healthy, glowing skin! Mix some organic raw sugar and a few drops of extra virgin olive oil together and use it to exfoliate your face and neck. It will moisturize your skin at the same time!

2.      Tomatoes are a natural acid and you can add them to your cleansing routine once in a while. Just mash up a ripe tomato and leave it on for about 15 minutes and then rinse off. This is good for oily skin.
3.      Oatmeal and sweet almond oil are great for sensitive skin and are both natural cleansers. Oatmeal is also anti-inflammatory and sweet almond oil is a fantastic moisturizer. Blend oatmeal in a blender or food processor until it becomes a powder and then mix in some sweet almond oil. Smooth it all over your face, neck and chest and rinse it off after about 20 minutes.

4.      Unfiltered apple cider vinegar is one of my favorite items for tonics, astringents, antiseptics, cooking, salad dressings, and remedies. I literally use it everyday. Some people call it a ‘magic elixir’ or ‘the fountain or youth’ I don’t know about that-but it has hundreds of uses and has been used for centuries. I could write a whole book about how to use this amazing fluid. It naturally restores the pH balance of our skin and body and has been reported to improve blood circulation and help to burn fat rather than store it. It also has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, and antibiotic properties while being highly restorative for our bodies and skin. (fights off fatigue!)

Here is the recipe for my favorite apple cider tonic. My family and I have been drinking it for years and my mom and dad were both drinking it before I was born!

Bragg Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar and Organic Honey

Rae’s Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey Tonic:

32 oz. of cold purified water

½ c. of Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar- I love Bragg. You can get it here: Bragg Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar

½ c. of organic honey

Stir briskly together and leave it your fridge so that you can drink it before meals. You can play around with the amounts of honey and vinegar to taste. If you don’t like it, you won’t drink it-so make sure it tastes good to YOU. Once in awhile, I will add a squeeze of lemon for even more alkalinity.

You may find that you are not as hungry and start eating less. Some people have discovered that it calms down ‘an over-robust appetite’. It is also full of antioxidants, trace minerals and elements, vitamins, amino acids and has soluble fiber from the natural pectin in it!

I hope you enjoy growing young and getting Purifoid as I have!



Thursday, August 16, 2012

6 Ways to do Purifoid Food Math

 How did you do in math in school? Well, don’t worry about it! These are some simple tips to add good stuff to your meals and snacks and take away the foods that will just weigh you down. When you add nutrient dense food, you will naturally want to subtract those empty calories anyway! 

Here are 6 tips-

              1.  Add fresh, juicy fruit to breakfast. Subtract sugary cereal, bagels, donuts, and bread.

              2.  Add dried fruit to your mid-morning snack with filtered, reverse osmosis, or filtered water. Subtract        fattening, sugary coffees and muffins.

             3.  Add an avocado to your lunch (avocado will NOT make you fat), subtract the cheese from your salad or sandwich.

            4.  Add a protein snack between lunch and dinner like nuts, a protein bar or shake. Subtract non-nutrient foods such as candy, cake or cookies.

            5.   Add some dark green veggies to dinner like kale, spinach, chard, or zucchini with a light oil and vinegar dressing. Subtract heavy dressings like ranch or blue cheese.

            6.   Add a healthy fat bedtime snack after dinner about 2 hours before bed. Some examples are cashew or almond butter with cucumbers or celery. Subtract high carb snacks that do not digest well at night. Steer clear of chips, pretzels, and crackers before bed. 

