Thursday, December 6, 2012

Inspire Yourself

Kauai Waterfall Hike

The word inspire comes from the root words "in" and "spire". This literally means to breathe in. When we are inspired, we are full of the breath of life and there is no better place to breathe, then somewhere in nature.

I can really relate to this, because when I am anywhere outside-I feel completely alive and in tune with nature. I feel inspired and creative just by looking around and breathing.

I don't know about you, but I have a very hard time quieting my head. The good news is that  I have found a coping skill for this problem and it is to go outside! I can immediately focus my thoughts on the beauty around me.

These pictures are obviously from a beautiful place and my most favorite place in the world-Kauai. But, you do not have to be in your most favorite place to do this.

Once you focus your attention on your intention, you can still your mind and become calm.

If you are struggling with a problem that you can not solve or lacking some kind of inspiration for an especially difficult project-try going outside and breathing in life. You can walk around your block and find a colorful tree or even drive to a body of water. Lakes, rivers, oceans, even a tiny stream can do the trick. Let yourself become open and the solutions will come to you.

Your brain is very powerful and it will reward you when you allow it the peace it needs to relax and become inspired.

Where will you find your inspiration today?



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