Friday, December 28, 2012

Vegetarian Protein Sources-2 Surprising Ones!

This has protein!

 Are you vegetarian and been asked, “How do you LIVE?” “Do you get enough protein!!!?

I have heard this countless times, and I always wonder, “How do YOU live?” “Aren’t you weighed down and depressed from eating the dead flesh of animals??”  

I am here to clear up a few myths about being vegetarian and eating protein.

First of all, there are countless protein sources for vegetarians and actually just eating a wide variety of produce provides enough combinations of amino acids to live on.

For the sake of variety though and making sure you do not get bored eating healthfully, I wanted to mention some ways to get vegetarian protein in your diet and focus on 2 surprising ones. 

Besides lentils, beans, nuts, nut butters, tofu, seeds, liquid aminos, quinoa, tempeh, seitan and whey -there is bee pollen and brewers yeast!

The protein content of bee pollen ranges from 10 to 35 percent with a mean average of 20 percent. Forty to fifty percent of this is in the form of free amino acids. This equals from 5 to 7 times the amino acids found in equal weights of beef, milk, eggs or cheese.  
So, there is protein in Bee Pollen but it is also good for your skin! The fatty acids in Bee Pollen have a good effect on skin not to mention that has anti-fungal properties to kill 
any pimple forming germs. 

Bee Pollen has enormous rejuvenation powers and retards aging. It has also been proved to improve mental perception, repair cells and worn out tissues and has antibiotic properties.

You may not even believe me when I say this, but Bee Pollen can help you to lose weight. That is right! It has the ability to not only regulate metabolism, but stimulate it as well- to assist you in burning fat. Bee Pollen supplies the catalysts that other foods do not provide -thereby neutralizing toxins and producing healthier cells. What does all this mean? What am I trying to say? Get your Bee Pollen on everyone!

Lets talk about Brewers Yeast. My mom used to use it all the time when I was younger. My mom has always been on the cutting edge of health and alternative therapies and I have learned almost everything from her. Back then, most brewers yeast I had tried was not debittered and it was gross. Nowadays, I can buy it debittered and it is much more manageable. Although, I would use it anyway because now I know it does so many amazing things! 

Brewer's Yeast

It helps with high cholesterol, stress, nervousness, anemia, constipation, and fatigue. An old tale about brewers yeast is that it reverses gray hair. I think that came from the fact that the B5 in it keeps gray hair from forming and the B6 helps the manufacturing of melanin and sustains natural hair color. Brewers Yeast also has a high nucleic acid count that is important to cell development plus containing folic acid, B12, potassium, thiamin, niacin, and chromium, fiber, and protein. One serving has 4 grams of fiber and 9 grams of protein. My favorite use is to drink it as a protein supplement after my workout for the energy boost and to avoid milk derived protein sources as those are not good for my stomach and cause me to get bloated.

Here is my favorite thing that Brewers Yeast does, it improves acne!

Go on and use my personal code VAJ631 and get $5 off these things and never wonder again how vegetarians get their protein again!



Friday, December 14, 2012

10 Best Beauty Tips For Winter

Winter can be a tricky time for beauty. We get dried out, tired out, and burned out. Follow these 10 easy steps to stay tip-top!

       1. Sleep with a satin or silk pillowcase. Not only is it very luxurious, it is an inexpensive way to smooth out facial lines and reduces the frizziness in your hair.

2. Sleep as much as you can every night-go to bed early! Deep sleep rejuvenates our minds and bodies and slows down the harsher consequences of aging while keeping us calm.

3. Eat in-season produce such as apples, kale, squash, red potatoes, asian pears, and carrots. In season produce is more nutrient dense and has more antioxidants to fight off free radicals and keep you feeling youthful and energetic.

4. Drink apple-cider vinegar and honey. See my blog about this amazing health tonic!

5. Double moisturize by using facial and body oils. This time of year can suck the hydration out of your skin quickly, so prevent that by using botanical oils like jojoba and coconut. You can use these natural oils anywhere on your skin!

Satin Skin Facial Oil

Weleda Sea Buckthorn Oil

6. Take care of your feet by putting on a thick foot cream before bed with soft, thick socks. In the summer we get calluses on our feet by going everywhere barefoot and in flip-flops. In the winter we can work on getting our feet soft again! 
7. Drink more water than you think you want. Carry a recyclable water bottle with you everywhere you go. We tend to not get as thirsty as usual when it is cold out, don’t let yourself get dehydrated this way which can dry out your skin and leave you feeling sluggish.

8. Exercise and be active everyday, even it is just getting down on your mat and doing 30 minutes of Yoga. When it is cold and wet outside, the lure of sitting around on the couch can be intense. If we give into this all the time we end up creating a vicious cycle of being tired and fatigued. Get up and shake it!

9. Be kind to yourself by setting limits and boundaries. You cannot do everything and be everywhere. Sometimes you have to strengthen your backbone by saying ‘no’ and doing something for yourself. Find something you love to do and DO IT. Maybe it is getting a pedicure, hiking, or reading your favorite book. Find the time by saying no to something extracurricular and being kind to yourself.

10. Do an at home facial once a month. You would be surprised at how much time and money you can save by using fresh and natural ingredients like lemon and sage for clarifying pores, oatmeal and clay for purging pores, pineapple and organic raw sugar for exfoliating, and plain old boiling water for steaming your pores open! You can even add some lavender oil for an aroma-therapeutic experience . Enjoy!

P.S. If you want to purchase the incredible Weleda Sea Buckthorn Oil use code VAJ631 to get $5 off at

Love, Rachel 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Inspire Yourself

Kauai Waterfall Hike

The word inspire comes from the root words "in" and "spire". This literally means to breathe in. When we are inspired, we are full of the breath of life and there is no better place to breathe, then somewhere in nature.

I can really relate to this, because when I am anywhere outside-I feel completely alive and in tune with nature. I feel inspired and creative just by looking around and breathing.

I don't know about you, but I have a very hard time quieting my head. The good news is that  I have found a coping skill for this problem and it is to go outside! I can immediately focus my thoughts on the beauty around me.

These pictures are obviously from a beautiful place and my most favorite place in the world-Kauai. But, you do not have to be in your most favorite place to do this.

Once you focus your attention on your intention, you can still your mind and become calm.

If you are struggling with a problem that you can not solve or lacking some kind of inspiration for an especially difficult project-try going outside and breathing in life. You can walk around your block and find a colorful tree or even drive to a body of water. Lakes, rivers, oceans, even a tiny stream can do the trick. Let yourself become open and the solutions will come to you.

Your brain is very powerful and it will reward you when you allow it the peace it needs to relax and become inspired.

Where will you find your inspiration today?

