Thursday, November 22, 2012

Back to Basics

 I have not been able to post a new post for such a long time. I recently started a new job in Malibu and the transition has been huge! New people, new drive, new things to learn and new ways to become stressed- if I let myself.

I have learned quite a bit and one thing that always keeps coming back to me, is to go back to the basics.

What I mean by that is that just because I entered a new phase in my life with some uncertainties and challenges, that is not a reason to stop the things that have kept me healthy and sane up until then.

 I thought about letting my workout schedule go and maybe slack on my good eating habits a little 'to give myself a break'.

After a couple days of that, I realized how ridiculous it would be to discontinue the very things that keep me healthy and happy! Right?

I was fortunate enough to also take a vacation in Kauai a month after I started the new job and I found my rhythm again. Eating fruit for breakfast to keep my digestive system light and eliminating efficiently, being outside taking nature walks and hikes, practicing my breathwork and yoga, and  making sure that tons of produce is on my plate along with whatever else I might be eating. I started to feel myself again very quickly!

Some may say it is so much easier to do these things on vacation and so much harder to practice at home. That is only true if you want it to be true. Sometimes, I am up at 5:00 am and do not make it to bed until after 11:00 pm. This is not by choice, but the effects of being in this world that has so many pressures and expectations. I work full-time like most other woman I know and still have to come home and do chores. That is just the business for most of us. If we want even small portions of time for ourselves, we have to create that time and put our self at the top of our to-do list, even if it is only to stretch out on the yoga mat for 10 minutes to catch and calm our breath.

When I got back last weekend and went right back to work on Monday-I had brought my fruit with me for breakfast, ate a salad for lunch and made sure I had a protein bar packed for my afternoon snack time. I did not feel overwhelmed, stressed or crazed with everything I had facing me that day. When I did start to feel a little out of control, I walked outside and took a 3 minute breathing break and felt in control again.

It is all about me making time for these things and making sure they are a priority, because when I am not taking care of myself-I am not being of service to those around me. I am not a good employee, mom, daughter, friend, or partner.

Even though I was pretty worn out by Tuesday, I created the time to able to get a workout in. It was light and short-but it served me well. I felt like I did not sacrifice my whole day to others and that I carved out a spot to just take care of myself. And THAT is refreshing.

So, when you find yourself facing new challenges or a turn in the road-stick to the basics of a happy and healthy life and find your stride again!



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