Thursday, July 5, 2012

Lusterful Locks and How to Get Them!

Lusterful Locks and How to Get Them!

Do you lust after shiny, bouncy, healthy hair?

Did you know it’s attainable?

We may not be able to do everything perfectly in this world with so many pollutants, toxins, and unknown environmental hazards-but we can eat the best foods that nature has to offer. We may not be able to be purified, but we can be Purifoid!

Here is a list of some vitamins that are vital for healthy, shiny hair and how to get them into your body through food.

  • Omega 3 fatty acids- this fatty acid promotes healthy hair and gets rid of lackluster locks! Omega 3 fatty acids help to rebuild the follicle structure of our hair and protect it from environmental damage. It promotes shiny and radiant hair. You can get it by taking flaxseed oil which also has Omega 6, as well as Omega 3’s. An excellent topical solution is Moroccan Oil. (You can find it on )It not only has fatty acids for shine, but also has antioxidants for protection. Moroccan Oil even helps to dry your hair faster so that you can use less heat styling on it.
  • Protein- Our hair is protein, so it makes sense that we would want to eat plenty of lean protein. You can get this type of protein from nuts, legumes (beans), tofu, soy milk, nut butters, or vegetarian protein powders like brown rice protein powder.
  • Calcium- This mineral is essential for strong hair. Sesame seeds are a little known calcium source. There is over 35% of our daily value of calcium in a ¼ c. of them. Black sesame seeds have even more calcium than that at 85 milligrams in only 1 gram! They are super delicious in stir fry, salads, and sprinkled on veggie sandwiches.
  • Iron- carries oxygen to our hair and assists in the growth process. Load up on kale, swiss chard, other dark, leafy greens and beans to get plenty of iron.
  • Magnesium- is the 4th most common element in our body and helps in relaxation-promoting restful sleep, which in turn encourages hair growth. You can get magnesium in almonds, cashews, and other nuts. Another great way to absorb magnesium is through a mineral salt bath! Just put Epsom salts in your bath for a soothing soak.
  • Biotin- is a B complex vitamin and a deficiency in this could actually cause hair loss and breakage. Some sources of biotin are found in red beets, cabbage, nuts and fruit.  
  • Silica- It protects against breakage and has even been reported to assist in the production of collagen. Cauliflower and cabbage are a good source of silica. There is also a fantastic silica supplement that you can add to your water. They have it on one of my favorite websites:
  • Zinc- a zinc deficiency has been reported to lead to hair loss, so make sure you are eating a serving of nuts every day and also some whole grains. Brazil nuts also have selenium in them which is the mineral that promotes a healthy scalp.
  • Vitamin A- assists the natural production of sebum (substance responsible for keeping hair and skin moisturized). It helps keep hair from drying out and if you are eating carrots, spinach, arugula, kale, swiss chard and broccoli-then you are getting plenty of Vitamin A for shiny, silky hair!
  • Vitamin E- is a powerful antioxidant that improves circulation to the scalp and also increases iron absorption. You can find loads of Vitamin E in olive oil, avocado (you will not get fat eating avocado), nuts, and dark leafy greens.

Are you noticing a theme here?

Every vitamin and mineral we would need for fabulous looking hair is found in the foods that we know to be best for us anyway! If you are eating moderate, balanced, and regular portions of fruit, vegetables, nuts, lean protein, and whole grains-you are getting everything you need to be Purifoid and live as clean as possible.

When you are doing this, you will notice your hair and skin naturally starting to look and feel better and better! Your skin will start radiantly glowing and your hair will become shinier, stronger and feel more bouncy and healthy.

Have fun choosing ‘good for your hair’ foods and finding ways to add to them to your Purifoid diet!



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