Thursday, July 19, 2012

How Do You Know Which Diet is Right for You?

Lose 20 lbs. in 10 days with BLANK diet! Sound familiar? Many diets out there make fantastic claims about losing a huge amount of weight in a short period of time. But, is this healthy or even realistic for us?

You want to choose a method of eating that works for you, right? There is actually a very easy and simple way to find out if a particular diet would work for you. All you have to do is ask yourself 1 question, “Is this something that I can maintain for life?” If the answer is no, then it is not the right diet for you.

What would be the point of losing weight on a diet only to gain it all back when you go back to your ‘normal’ way of eating? The goal would be to find a diet that you can transform into a lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle would include a method of eating that can be maintained over time. Can you live without having any form of carbs forever? Does living without dessert for the rest of your life sound like something you can realistically achieve? If no, then you want to choose a diet that does not restrict entire food groups.

Some other things you want to examine regarding any type of diet you choose would be to make sure it includes a lot of fresh fruit and veggies every day. For example on The Atkins Diet, you can eat all the bacon and butter you want, but god forbid you eat a strawberry! Ridiculous! There is no better food for a human than fruit.

Another thing to look at is how overly restrictive is it? Are there entire food groups that you are not allowed to eat? Is that something you could really maintain forever? For instance, The Paleo Diet-also known as Caveman Diet, Stone Age diet and Paleolithic includes fruit and veggies, but it also excludes many food groups such as grains, beans, potatoes and dairy. It also could open the way for people to overdo it on nuts, which it does allow. Some people can gain excess weight overdoing it on nuts. Others can eat all the nuts they want and not gain an ounce. Again, you want to look at what works for you and see if it is something you can maintain.

Finding and maintaining a healthy weight may take some trial and error, but it is so worth it! Do the research and experiment with what way of eating allows you to eat the way that is most comfortable for you, but also lets you have optimum health and be the weight you want.

For me, I have found that by doing a combination of Fit for Life and following the 80/20 rule- I have maintained my happy weight for many years. I eat a ton of fruit and veggies every day. I do not feel restricted in any way and I actually crave healthy foods that I know will help my body be at its maximum potential. If I want dessert however, I have it. How can I do this? This is because 80% of the time I eat fruits, veggies, alkalinizing whole grains, healthy fats, and lean protein. The other 20% I can have dessert if I feel like it. I don’t eat meat, which is a personal decision and may not work for everyone else. I actually don’t miss it or feel like I am missing out on anything. I eat fruit for breakfast everyday as Fit for Life recommends. If there’s a time I want to go out for breakfast with family or friends and have some Belgian waffles, I do! And I can do it because the other 6 days of the week I had my fruit.

I am not saying that this is the way for everyone-what I am saying is that you deserve to find out what way works for you. It is possible. Do the research, fact checking, and experimenting, and you will find the healthy eating lifestyle that works for you.

Your energy level will rise, your body will find its happy weight, and you will be confident in knowing you can enjoy life and eating. I promise. 



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