Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Chia Seed Pudding Recipe

(not edible :D)

I know you are thinking that chia seeds are for chia pets, but that is not all they are good for!

Chia Seeds have so many health benefits, you won't even believe it! Chia Seeds were used by the Aztecs and Mayans and they had a good reason for it. Aztec warriors used chia seeds as a main source of fuel for conquests. They are a complete energizing protein and also have both insoluble and soluble fiber in them when combined with liquid. It forms a gel which thickens the chia seed in size and weight and will keep you full for long periods of time.

This gel thickens up so much and so quickly and can then be used as a pudding or in smoothies to thicken them up. This gel aids in stabilizing blood sugar. Chia Seeds take on whatever flavor you want, so the possibilities are endless!

So, why do you want to eat them? They contain coveted Omega 3's which vegetarians and vegans could always use more of. We do not eat fish which contain them and flaxseeds get boring. (at least for me) They are a rich plant source of Omega 3's and research has proven that people who consume Omega 3's lose more weight on average than people who do not add them to their diet. Medicinally, this also works for anti- inflammatory properties and this is so important for a healthy body and to be able to stay active longer.

Chia Seeds are also packed with antioxidants for a healthy body and great skin. We know that antioxidants are age-defying, so this is an easy and cheap way to get plenty of them. Chia Seeds have calcium as well!

Chia Seeds can be ground up easily or used whole. The protein and complex carbs gives you energy and keep you going throughout the day. This will also help keep you full so you can lose weight if that is one of your goals.

I make a Chia Seed Pudding which I love. I make a bit extra and keep it in the fridge so I can have it for a quick pre or post-workout snack.

Only 4 ingredients

Rae's Cinnamon Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding

3/4 c. Whole or Ground Chia Seeds
1/2 c. Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
1 tsp. Vanilla
1/2 tsp. Ground Cinnamon

Stir all the ingredients together in a bowl until completely mixed. Put in the fridge and let it firm up for about 20 minutes.

You can always add more liquid for a thinner consistency or less for a thicker one. Some people like to eat this instead of oatmeal.

That's it! This will be about 4 servings. So, you can split it up into 4 different containers and keep it in the fridge for easy access. It will keep about 4 days, so it works out perfect.





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